Dr Sarah Brewer
Specialised areas:
Nutritional medicine
Sexual health
Feature writing
Giving presentations
Current positions:
Freelance media medical consultant
Medical Director, London Academy of Sex & Relationships
Student, completing an MSc in Nutritional Medicine, University of Surrey
Dr. Sarah Brewer qualified as a doctor from Cambridge University, and was a full-time GP for 5 years. She soon realised that sitting in a surgery every day allowed her to give around 30 health messages a day; but spending that day writing a feature for publication in a national newspaper disseminates over one million health messages – assuming anyone reads it. Sarah now writes widely on all aspects of health, including complementary medicine and the safe use of herbal remedies and vitamin supplements.
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She has written over 40 popular self-help books and appears regularly on TV and radio. She is a regular contributor to a number of newspapers and women’s magazines, including Prima, Natural Health & Beauty, Healthy, Daily Telegraph, Daily Express, Daily Record and many others. She was voted Health Journalist of the Year 2002.
antibiotics order
Sarah lives in the Channel Islands with her husband, Richard, a marine engineer, and their three children: Saxon, 9, and twins Roman and Sapphire, 5.
Media work:
Extensive experience as a media consultant, writing press releases, media and medical backgrounders, giving radio & TV interviews, lectures, presentations, chairing meetings etc. As a leading health journalist, Sarah can write 1000 words on anything from nutritional supplements for diabetes, to the health hazards of belly-button fluff.